Our “adopted” school for 2016-17 is Netherthird Primary School, Cumnock. During the year we had exciting activities lined up. All the activities with Netherthird this year were financially supported by the generosity of members of KESS, the Institute of Physics and the Scottish Association for Metals. See links below for end of Session activites held in March 2017.MetalsAssoc

Netherthird Primary School Art Exhibition depicting the scientific and industrial heritage of Cumnock and District 

Netherthird Primary School Science Academies and Community Day

As in previous years KESS visited Willowbank School and held a Science Fair during Britsh Science Week

Follow the link to see pictures of the event.


The Fifth Annual Physics and Engineering Lecture was held at St Joseph's Academy on Monday 27th June 2016.

Annual physics and engineering lecture held at St Joseph’s Academy - East Ayrshire Council News